AC 36V CO2 Regulator Gas Heater Flow Meter For MIG Welding Machine Gas Pressure
AC 36V CO2 Regulator Gas Heater Flow Meter For MIG Welding Machine Gas Pressure

AC 36V CO2 Regulator Gas Heater Flow Meter For MIG Welding Machine Gas Pressure

Price: Tk. 3,000.00 - Tk. 3,000.00
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: 01715752810

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Product details

AC 36V CO2 Regulator Gas Heater Flow Meter For MIG Welding Machine Gas Pressure

Brand: Yamato/Winner 36V

Applicable Gas: CO2 gas

Input Pressure: 15mpa

Input Power: 36V (To be attached Behind the port of the Mig welding Machine)

Operating Pressure: 0.25mpa

Flow rate: 25 l/h

Gauge Specification: 25mpa

Origin: Made in China

Product to be used at care, as power fluctuation or incorrect use can create accident.

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